【冬日美食】生炒糯米飯Stir fried glutinous rice 2022 年 12 月 23 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 5 2933 請稍等. 請稍等. 冬天容易肚餓?最好就係食飽肚嘅糯米飯!生炒糯米飯粒粒都煙韌又分明,不過要落好多油至炒得靚,想整個少油版本?方法就係將糯米浸耐啲,糯米浸得愈透,就愈容易炒熟,咁就好少油都炒得靚啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 糯米 Glutinous rice 2嘜/Rice co 臘腸 Chinese preserved sausage 2條/pcs 瑤柱 Dried scallop 30克/g 蝦米 Dried shrimp 30克/g 冬菇 Shiitake mushroom 8-10隻/pcs 雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs 浸瑤柱及蝦米水 Water for soaking dried scallop and shrimp 400毫升/ml 炸花生 Deep fried peanut 適量/To serv 葱花 Chopped spring onion 適量/To serv 調味料 生抽 Soy sauce 2湯匙/tbsp 老抽 Dark soy sauce 1茶匙/tsp 糖Sugar 1茶匙/tsp 1糯米用水浸3小時後瀝乾 Soak glutinous rice in water for 3 hours then drain dry. 2冬菇用水浸軟及切粒 Soak shiitake mushroom until tender then dice. 3臘腸放熱水內灼1分鐘後切粒 Blanch Chinese preserved sausage for 1 minutes then dice. 4蝦米及瑤柱用水浸軟,瑤柱撕碎,浸蝦米及瑤柱水留用 Soak dried shrimp and scallop until tender. Shred scallop. Keep water for later use. 5雞蛋煎成蛋皮,切絲備用 Pan fry stirred egg into thin layer then cut into thin strips. 6白鑊下臘腸粒爆至出油,下冬菇炒香 Stir fry Chinese preserved sausage until oil is secreted. Then add mushroom and stir fry until fragrant. 7再下蝦米及瑤柱炒香,盛起備用 Add stir fry with dried shrimp and scallop until fragrant. Set aside. 8原鑊下少許油,下糯米,中細火炒勻至每顆糯米均沾上油 Add a little oil in the wok. Add glutinous rice. Stir fry over low heat to make sure all rice grains are cover with oil. 9下1-2湯匙浸瑤柱及蝦米水,炒勻至水份被完全吸收 Add 1-2 tbsp water for soaking dry shrimp and scallop , stir fry until absorbed. 10重覆下浸瑤柱及蝦米水及炒勻,直至糯米熟透及變黏,需時約20分鐘 Repeat adding water and stir fry until glutinous rice cooked and sticky. It takes about 20 minutes. 11下調味料炒勻 Stir well with seasonings. 12下炒好的配料炒勻,放上葱粒、蛋絲及花生,完成 Stir well with ingredients. Add chopped spring onion, egg strips and peanuts on top. Done
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