【香脆金黃】粟米蝦春卷 Spring roll with shrimp and corn filling 2023 年 01 月 20 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 4 2588 請稍等. 請稍等. 香脆嘅春卷唔至好味道,金黃嘅外表仲好吸引,十足金條咁夠晒好意頭。呢款粟米蝦春卷用咗蝦肉同粟米粒做餡,彈牙得嚟又甜甜吔,除咗係小朋友至愛之外,我估大人都一樣咁鍾意。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (5-6人) 1小時內 食材 急凍蝦仁 Frozen shrimp 250克/g 粟米粒 Corn kernels 60克/g 春卷皮 Spring roll wrapper 6塊/sheets 乾蕃茜碎 Parsley flakes 適量/Some 鹽 Salt 1茶匙/tsp 胡椒粉 Pepper 少許/Some 蛋白 Egg white 2茶匙/tsp 生粉 Corn starch 1湯匙/tbsp 麵粉 Flour 1湯匙/tbsp 清水 Water 1湯匙/tbsp 1蝦仁拍扁剁成蝦膠 Smash shrimps and stir into shrimp paste. 2生粉、鹽、蛋白、胡椒粉與蝦膠拌勻,備用 Mix corn starch, salt, egg whites, pepper and shrimp glue well. 3麵粉和清水拌勻成麵粉水用作封口之用 Mix flour and water well for sealing. 4春卷皮中間切開備用 Cut the spring roll wrappers in the middle. 5春卷皮上、左、右三邊都塗上麵粉水 Coat the spring roll skin with flour solution on the left, right and top sides. 6在底部放上蝦膠 Put shrimp minced on the bottom. 7順序放上粟米粒和蕃茜碎 Put on the corn kernels and parsley flakes. 8由下捲上,再用手指壓平左右兩邊封口 Roll up from the bottom, then flatten the left and right. 9將春卷放入氣炸鍋噴油 Put the spring rolls inside an air fryer and spray oil. 10180度炸5分鐘,炸至金黃色便可,完成。 Air fry at 180 degrees for 5 minutes until golden brown. 11可蘸上泰式辣醬或蛋黃醬一同享用。 It match with Thai chili sauce or mayonnaise.
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