15分鐘搞掂|香蒜白酒蜆肉意粉 Pasta with Clams in White Wine Garlic Sauce 2023 年 08 月 03 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 4 2366 請稍等. 請稍等. 香蒜白酒蜆肉意粉是很多人都喜歡的意粉款式,湯汁不多但帶蜆肉的鮮甜、酒香和蒜香,掛在彈牙的意大利粉之上實在恰到好處。其實這道菜做法非常簡單,用新鮮的蜆、花蛤或沙白都可以,甚至是用急凍的帶殼蜆肉也可,15分鐘左右便可煮出高級餐廳的美食。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (1-2人) 15分鐘內 食材 蜆 Clams 600克/g 意大利粉 Spaghetti 200克/g 番茜/羅勒 Parsley or basil 10克/g 蒜頭 Garlic bulb ½個/pc 指天椒 Chili 1隻/pc 乾辣椒碎 Chili flake 少許/some 白酒 White wine 125毫升/ml 鹽 Salt 少許/to tast 黑胡椒碎 Ground black pepper 少許/to tast 1番茜/羅勒切碎 Chop parsley/ basil. 2蒜頭剁蓉 Chop garlic. 3指天椒切圈去籽 Cut chili into circle and remove seeds. 4意大利粉按包裝指示的烹調時間減2分鐘煮至軟身 Cook the spaghetti according to package instructions, but reduce the cooking time by 2 minutes. Cook until al dente. 5中火燒熱鑊,爆香蒜蓉 Heat a pan over medium heat and sauté the minced garlic until fragrant. 6下指天椒及乾辣椒碎爆香 Add the circled chili and dried chili flakes, and stir-fry until fragrant. 7下白酒,加入蜆煮兩分鐘 Pour in the white wine and add the clams. Cover with a lid and cook for 2 minutes, or until the clams open up. 8下意粉及番茜/羅勒碎煮1分鐘 Add the cooked spaghetti and chopped parsley/basil to the pan, and stir-fry for 1 minute. 9下鹽及黑胡椒碎拌勻,完成 Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Done.
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