四季皆宜|竹蔗茅根馬蹄水 Sugar cane, lalang grass rhizome and water chestnut drink 2023 年 05 月 16 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 1 1763 請稍等. 請稍等. 竹蔗茅根馬蹄水既滋潤又清熱,是一年四季皆宜的飲品,而且冷熱都同樣美味。煲竹蔗茅根馬蹄水其實只有一個秘訣,就是落足料,味道自然夠濃郁。不過留意當中的茅根相對較甘寒,如果有小朋友、長者或女士們月事到臨,可以酌量減少甚至不下亦可。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 竹蔗 Sugar cane 600克/g 茅根 Lalang grass rhizome 15克/g 紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1條/pc 粟米 Corn on the cob 1條/pc 馬蹄 Water chestnut 450克/g 清水 Water 3公升/Liter 冰糖 Rock sugar 50克/g 1竹蔗洗淨,用鋼絲球或小刀刮去污垢 Clean sugar canes and scrape off any dirt with steel wool or a knife. 2小心地用菜劈開竹蔗 Split the sugar canes with a kitchen knife carefully. 3茅根洗淨,剪短方便出味 Clean the lalang grass rhizome and cut into shorter pieces for better flavor release. 4紅蘿蔔去皮切件 Peel and cut the carrot into pieces. 5粟米去衣切件,若有粟米鬚可洗淨留用 Remove the husk of the corn and cut into pieces. If there are any corn silks, you can wash and keep them for later use. 6馬蹄去蒂去皮 Remove the stem and peel of the water chestnut. 7煲滾水,下所有預備好的材料 Bring water to a boil and add in all the prepared ingredients. 8水滾後中火煲1小時 Simmer on medium heat for 1 hour after the water boils again. 9下冰糖調味,完成 Add rock sugar to taste and it's done.
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