【簡單輕食】日式薯仔沙律Japanese Potato Salad 2022 年 09 月 09 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 4 6182 請稍等. 請稍等. 無乜胃口,想食個沙律,又唔想得幾條菜咁寡?有薯仔、雞蛋嘅日式沙律就啱晒你,今次一於教大家整日式薯仔沙律,啖啖都係和風味,醫肚之餘仲好好味添! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 薯仔Potato 2個2pcs 雞蛋Egg 2隻2pcs 青瓜Cucumber ½條½pc 紫洋葱Red onion ½個 ½pc 粟米粒Corn kernel 5湯匙5tsp 日式蟹柳Japanese crab stick 3條3 sticks 檸檬汁Lemon juice 少許Some 低脂沙律醬Low fat salad dressing 適量To taste 1薯仔去皮切件,隔水蒸熟 Peel potatoes. Cut into pieces. Steam until cooked. 2青瓜切薄片 Slice cucumber. 3洋葱橫切成半圈 Cut onion into semicircle shape. 4用2茶匙鹽醃青瓜及洋葱15分鐘至出水,榨乾備用 Marinate cucumber and onion with 2tbsp of salt for 15 minutes. Squzze dry. 5日式蟹柳撕碎,用水灼30秒備用 Shredded Japanese crab sticks. Blanch for 30 seconds. 6粟米粒灼30秒備用 Blanch corn kernels for 30 seconds. 7雞蛋煮8分鐘至熟後去殼壓碎 Boil eggs for 8 minutes until cooked. Remove shell and press. 8在大碗中用叉壓碎薯仔 Mash potatoes with a fork in a big bowl. 9加入碎蛋、青瓜、洋葱、日式蟹柳及粟米,拌勻 Mix with pressed egg. cucumber, onion, Japanese crab stick and corn kernels. 10加入低脂沙律醬抄勻,加少許檸檬汁,完成 Mix with salad dressing.Add some lemon juice. Done.
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