【四川風味】麻辣雞翼尖 Sichuan style hot and spicy chicken wing tips 2022 年 12 月 23 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 2234 請稍等. 請稍等. 好多朋友鍾意食麻辣火鍋,就係鍾意佢嗰陣有啲痹,好似畀蟻咬嘅感覺。呢款麻辣雞翼尖雖然係小食,但就畀到你呢種感受,用嚟送啤酒真係一流! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 雞翼 即買 尖 Chicken wing tips 500克/g 薑 Ginger 3片/slices 指天椒(切粒)Chopped chili pepper 3隻/pcs 花椒 Sichuan pepper 2茶匙/tsp 蒜頭(剁蓉)Minced garlic 4粒/cloves 葱花 Chopped spring onion 適量/some 醃料 雞粉 Chicken powder 1茶匙/tsp 調味料 麻辣醬 Sichuan style hot and spicy paste 1湯匙/tbsp 紹興酒 Shao Xing wine 1湯匙/tbsp 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 老抽 Dark soy sauce 1茶匙/tsp 黑糖 Dark sugar 1 茶匙/tsp 水 Water 300毫升/ml 鹽 Salt 少許/Some 1雞翼 即買 尖乾淨抹乾,下雞粉醃15分鐘除去雪味 Rinse and pat dry chicken wing tips. Marinate with chicken powder for 15 minutes. 2爆香薑片及蒜蓉 Stir fry ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant. 3下指天椒料及花椒碎炒香 Add chili pepper and Sichuan pepper and stir fry. 4加入麻辣醬兜勻 Add Sichuan style hot and spicy paste. 5下雞翼 即買 尖炒勻,贊酒兜勻 Add chicken wing tips. Sprinkle Shao Xing wine. 6下餘下調味料,加水 Add remained seasonings. 7細火煮至汁濃稠 Add water and cook until sauce thicken. 8撒蔥花即成 Sprinkle chopped spring onion.
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