【經典口味】車仔雞翼尖 Cart noodle style chicken wing tips 2023 年 01 月 31 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 1092 請稍等. 請稍等. 車仔麵係經典港式美食,當中嘅雞翼尖都好受大家歡迎,而汁底除咗咖喱醬之外,其實仲有其他醬料,至可以做到有層次嘅味道㗎! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 雞翼 即買 尖 Chicken wing tips 500克/g 咖喱醬 Curry paste 2湯匙/tbsp 沙嗲醬 Satay paste 1湯匙/tbsp 海鮮醬 Hoisin paste 2茶匙/tsp 薑 Ginger 5片/Slices 糖 Sugar 2茶匙/tsp 紹興酒 Shao Xing wine 2湯匙/tbsp 水 Water 300毫升/ml 1雞翼 即買 尖與2片薑、1湯匙酒,同放熱水內汆水10分鐘 Blanch chicken wing tips with 2 slices of ginger and 1 tbsp of wine for 10 minutes. 2撈起雞翼 即買 尖瀝乾 Drain dry chicken wing tips. 3爆香3片薑,下咖喱醬、沙嗲醬及海鮮醬爆香 Stir fry remained ginger slices until fragrant. Add curry paste, satay paste and hoisin paste and stir well. 4下雞翼 即買 尖兜勻,再灒酒兜勻 Add chicken wing tips and stir well. Sprinkle remained wine. 5下水中細火煮至收汁 Add water and cook over low heat until sauce thicken. 6加糖拌勻即成 Add sugar and stir well.
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