【港式甜品】經典橙汁卷 Orange juice roll 2023 年 08 月 07 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 1247 請稍等. 請稍等. 橙汁卷是非常經典的港式甜品。以前要在港式酒樓才吃到,跟啫喱、芝麻卷等都是小朋友的點心車至愛!現在唐餅鋪或舊式麵包店也會有售。以前的橙汁卷用了人造色素調色,所以顏色非常鮮艷。今次食譜中只用了鮮橙汁和濃縮橙汁,所以顏色會較淡,如果想顏色較濃烈的話,可酌量使用食用色素。如果只用鮮橙汁,橙汁的味道會不夠濃郁,所以亦加入了濃縮橙汁以增味。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 馬蹄粉 Water chestnut flour 50克/g 粘米粉 Rice flour 25克/g 糖 Sugar 35克/g 鮮橙汁 Fresh orange juice 150毫升/ml 濃縮橙汁 Concentrated orange juice 30毫升/ml 熱水 Hot water 100毫升/ml 橙皮 Orange zest 少許/Some 1橙刨皮及榨汁 Zest and juice oranges. 2將約⅓鮮鮮汁拌勻馬蹄粉及粘米粉至溶化 Mix water chestnut flour and rice flour with about ⅓ of the fresh orange juice until dissolved. 3橙皮碎加熱水中細火煲一分鐘 Add orange zest to hot water. Simmer for 1 minute over low heat. 4將餘下的鮮橙汁、濃縮橙汁及糖加入水中,加熱至微微起泡 Add the rest of the fresh orange juice, concentrated orange juice and sugar to the water. Heat until slightly foamy. 5將橙汁加入粉漿之中,拌勻過篩 Pour the orange juice mixture into the flour mixture and stir well. Strain the mixture. 6淺蒸盤掃少許油,平放蒸架上 Brush a shallow steaming dish with a little oil and place it on a steaming rack. 7倒入橙汁漿,隔水蒸3-4分鐘至凝固 Pour the orange juice mixture into the dish and steam over boiling water for 3-4 minutes until set. 8捲起,切段,完成 Roll up the pudding, cut into sections, and serve.
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