【芝心墨友】煙肉芝心墨魚卷 Bacon roll with cuttlefish and cheese filling 2023 年 03 月 07 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 3 1259 請稍等. 請稍等. 同朋友開Party,想有啲方便易整嘅香口小食,呢款煙肉芝心墨魚卷就啱晒你。材料全部係超級市場買到,做法又簡單,最正係芝士有流心嘅效果,食落去夠晒惹味,大人同小朋友都讚好食! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 煙肉 Bacon 8片/slices 墨魚膠 Cuttlefish paste 250克/g 水牛芝士片 Mozzarella cheese slice 1片/slice 生粉 Corn starch 適量/Some 1煙肉用廚紙輕壓印乾水份,灑上少許生粉 Pat dry bacon, sprinkle on corn starch. 2芝士片分成8份 Separate cheese slice into eight. 3用唧袋將墨魚膠唧在煙肉的一端 Put some cuttlefish paste at one end of the bacon with a pastry bag. 4放入芝士片 Add in one small piece of cheese. 5將煙肉捲起,兩端再沾上少許生粉 Roll the bacon. Glue the other end with corn starch. 6燒熱油,慢火把煙肉卷半煎炸至金黃色 Dry fry bacon roll over low heat until golden brown.
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