韓式風味麻藥鵪鶉蛋 Korean style soft boil quail eggs
1鵪鶉蛋烚5分鐘至熟,去殻 Boil quail eggs for 5 minutes. Remove shell.
2將蒜頭、葱、青椒仔及紅椒仔切碎 Chop garlic, spring onion, green and red pepper.
3將頭抽、糖漿、水及所有配料拌勻 Mix well soy sauce, syrup, water and all other ingredients.
4將鵪鶉蛋浸在醬汁中,放雪櫃冷藏2小時至入味 Soak quail eggs in the sauce for at least 2 hours.
討論 暫時沒有留言。