【簡易食譜】蝴蝶酥 French Palmier
1酥皮一開六 Cut each puff pastry into 6 small pieces.
2每塊小酥皮頂端切出闊約1厘米的幼條 Cut a 1 cm strip at the top of each small puff pastry piece.
3將酥皮對摺,然後每邊再摺成三層的波浪形 Fold puff pastry in half. Then fold each side in thirds into a wavy shape.
4用預留的幼條綑在中間,兩邊翻開 Tie the reserved stirp in the middle of the wavy puff pastry. Spread out the side.
5塗上蛋液,灑上白砂糖 Egg wash the bow tie pastry then sprinkle sugar on top.
6放入已預熱的焗爐,以200度焗10分鐘 Preheat an oven at 200 ℃ and bake for 10 minutes.
討論 暫時沒有留言。