海南雞飯 Hainan Chicken Rice 2021 年 04 月 09 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 6 22 4302 請稍等. 請稍等. 帶飯帶到無新意,可以試試依個一鍋到底的海南雞飯。只需要將所有材料放入電飯煲,再將雞腿煮熟,就完成了這道充滿泰式風味的菜式。配合泰式醬料一齊食,泰味更濃! 食材 (1-2人) 1小時內 食材 雞腿 Chicken Leg 2pcs 米 Rice 2cup 雞湯 Chicken Soup 2cup 鹽 Salt 1tsp 黃姜粉 Yellow Ginger Powder 1tsp 香茅 Lemongrass 3pcs 斑蘭葉 Pandan 4pcs 薑 Ginger 4pcs 蒜頭 Garlic 3pcs 雞醃料 Marinade 鹽 Salt 2tsp 白胡椒粉 White Pepper 1tsp 1鹽、白胡椒粉抹勻雞腿,醃30分鐘備用 Spread the marinade on the chicken legs and then leave it for about 30 mins 2香茅去頭,拍扁,切半;斑斕葉切段;蒜頭拍扁 Cut the roots of the lemongrass. Flatten it and cut it into half.Colorful leaf segments.Flatten the garlic. 3將已洗好的米放入電飯煲,加入雞湯、鹽、黃姜粉攪拌 Put the washed rice into the rice cooker Stir it. 4再順序加入斑蘭葉、香茅、薑、蒜頭,再將已醃雞腿放上面 And then put the Pandan, Lemongrass, Ginger, Garlic and the Chicken Legs on the rice 5再開煮飯模式,完成 Switch on the rice cooker and cook it. 6 7 TIPS 一鍋到底電飯煲帶飯系列
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