客家煎釀豆腐 Pan Fire Tofu with Pork
1豆腐切塊,用刀輕輕挑開中間豆腐 cut tofu into rectangle shape, gently remove the middle of each tofu with a knife
2將肉碎,切碎冬菇放調味料糖,豉油,1匙生粉撈埋 mix minced pork and mushroom with sugar, soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of corn starch
3豆腐中心放少許生粉,把肉碎釀入去 put a little bit corn starch in the middle of the tofu, put mixed pork in
4平底鑊開火落油,先用中火煎放釀了肉的一邊,再煎另一邊 turn on fire and put oil on pan, pan fire the tofu with pork side first, then turn around
5用蠔油生粉和白胡椒埋芡 mix oyster sauce,pepper and corn starch with water to make the sauce
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