香甜的芒果同cream cheese 好甲.. 今次用咗cream cheese spread 比 起一塊同牛油size一樣的cream cheese 好用同easy blend..
1先把餅底做好。可以用9吋蛋糕焗盤, 把餅碎同牛油混合然後壓扁在焗盤上,放入fridge 雪硬。把芒果切粒粒..
2把cream cheese spread 打發到糊.
33/4cup of concentrated mango juice,魚膠粉同糖放入小煲內用慢火烹調至熔化. 然後把混合汁放入打好的cream cheese mix well. Set aside.
4用另外一個盤把鮮忌廉打發至whipped cream stage. 然後把whipped cream 放入混合好的cream cheese mix well.
5把芒果粒粒混合到cream cheese in step 4.張芒果粒平均分部. Then pour the whole mixture into 蛋糕盤(step 1)
6用1/4 cup of concentrated mango juice 去做 decoration. 在蛋糕上用mango juice 畫2個圓圈..1個小內圓圈,1個外圓圈.再用筷子尖畫一條線從由外圈畫到內圓圈中心.可以畫8-10 條.
7After the decoration, put the cake in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. Then it's ready.
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