電飯煲食譜|電飯煲檸檬雞翼 Lemon chicken wings in rice cooker
1片糖切成細塊 Cut the slab sugar into small pieces.
3雞翼 即買 解凍、洗淨抹乾 Thaw and wash the chicken wings, pat them dry.
6將雞翼 即買 及所有醬汁倒入電飯煲內 Place the chicken wings and pour all the sauce into the rice cooker.
8按電飯煲的煮飯鍵開始烹調 Start cooking using the rice cooker's "Cook" function.
9當煮至一半時,開蓋將雞翼 即買 拌勻使之均勻上色 When it's halfway cooked, open the lid and stir the chicken wings to evenly coat them with sauce.
討論 暫時沒有留言。