電飯煲食譜|電飯煲薯仔炆排骨 Braised potato and spare ribs in rice cooker 2023 年 08 月 03 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 4 2406 請稍等. 請稍等. 薯仔炆排骨是尋常不過,但也人人喜歡的家常菜式。今次改用電飯煲炮製,同時改用肋排,避免排骨的肉過度收縮而變韌。這道菜吃起來啖啖肉,而薯仔也吸收了肋排的油脂,加上濃厚的醬汁,非常美味。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 肋排 Spare ribs 600克/g 薯仔 Potatoes 450克/g 薑 Ginger 8片/slices 蔥 Spring onion 2棵/stalks 水 Water 200毫升/ml 醃料 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 老抽 Dark soy sauce ½ 湯匙/tbsp 蠔油 Oyster sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 1湯匙/tbsp 糖 Sugar 2茶匙/tsp 1肋排用醃料醃30分鐘 Marinate the spare ribs with the marinade for 30 minutes. 2薯仔去皮切件 Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces. 3蔥切段 Cut the spring onion into sections. 4在電煲飯內放上薑片和蔥段 Place ginger slices and sectioned spring onion in the rice cooker. 5加入排骨、薯仔和水 Add the spare ribs, potatoes and water. 6按煮飯模式,將排骨和薯仔煮熟 Select the "Cook Rice" mode and cook until the spare ribs and potatoes are tender. 7再焗15-20分鐘即成 Let all ingredients in the rice cooker for 15-20 minutes more.
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