香脆鮮爽|沙拉鬼馬蝦滑 Shrimp paste with water chestnut in deep-fried breadstick with salad 2023 年 06 月 13 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 5 2096 請稍等. 請稍等. 「鬼馬」係指油炸鬼和馬蹄。其實「鬼馬」乃係傳統粵菜的材料,配以腍滑的肉類快炒,達至香脆、爽口、腍甜的口感。今次改配手打蝦滑,味道變得鮮味彈牙,食落口感更多層次,再配以沙律醬,又有沙拉骨的影子,風味十足,做小食或者做餸都咁好味。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 油炸鬼 Deep-fried breadstick 1孖/pc 急凍蝦仁 Frozen shrimp 180克/g 馬蹄 Water chestnut 2粒/pc 鹽 Salt ½茶匙/tsp 油 Oil 1茶匙/tsp 胡椒粉Pepper ½茶匙/tsp 生粉Corn starch 3湯匙/tbsp 蛋白 Egg white ½隻/pc 沙律醬 Salad dressing 適量/To use 番荽碎 Parsley flake 適量/Some 1馬蹄剁碎備用 Finely chop water chestnuts and set them aside. 2蝦仁抹乾、拍扁,再用菜刀剁碎 Pat dry frozen shrimp, flatten them, and chop them with a kitchen knife. 3加入鹽、油、胡椒粉、生粉及蛋白 Mix in salt, oil, pepper, corn starch and egg white. 4攪拌約5分鐘成蝦膠 Stir for 5 minutes to make it in paste form. 5拌入馬蹄碎拌勻 Mix in the chopped water chestnuts. 6包上保鮮紙,冷藏半個鐘 Wrap the mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour. 7油炸鬼撕開,切細件 Tear apart deep- fried breadstick and cut into small pieces. 8將蝦滑釀滿油炸鬼 Stuff the shrimp paste into the deep-fried breadstick pieces. 9將油炸鬼件放入氣炸鍋內,以180度氣炸7分鐘 Put the breadstick pieces into an air fryer and fry at 180 degrees Celsius for 7 minutes. 10加入適量沙律醬拌勻 Add some salad dressing and mix well. 11再灑上番荽碎作裝飾即成 Garnish with parsley flakes.
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