【煙韌芝味】芝士麻糬波波Cheese Mochi Balls 2023 年 04 月 12 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 3 1132 請稍等. 請稍等. 煙韌嘅麻糬波波係好多人嘅至愛,加埋香濃嘅芝士味就更加係絕配!嫌街上買到嘅芝士麻糬波波唔夠煙韌又唔夠芝味?一於自己整啦,用氣炸鍋就做到㗎啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (5-6人) 1小時以上 食材 糯米粉 Glutinous rice flour 250克/g 木薯粉 Tapioca flour 100克/g 無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 88克/g 雞蛋 Eggs 2隻/pcs 牛奶 Milk 125毫升/ml 糖 Sugar 21克/g 芝士粉 Cheese powder 43克/g 芝士碎 Shredded cheese 40克/g 鹽 Salt 1茶匙/tsp 泡打粉 Baking powder 2克/g 油 Oil 1湯匙/tbsp 1牛油及糖隔水座溶 Melt butter and sugar in a bowl over hot water bath. 2雞蛋打勻 Whisk eggs. 3將糯米粉,木薯粉,芝士粉,芝士碎,鹽,泡打粉混合 Mix glutinous rice flour, tapioca flour, cheese powder, shredded cheese, salt, baking powder well. 4將雞蛋及牛油溶液加入粉類混合物中 Add egg, melted butter and sugar into the powdery mixture. 5一邊加牛奶一邊搓粉,搓成無粉粒又光滑的面團為止 Rub the mixture while adding milk slowly. Knead till it is a smooth dough. 6面團靜置30-40分鐘 Rest for 30-40 mins. 7搓成小球狀,放錫紙上,放入氣炸鍋180度焗17分鐘 Shape dough into small balls, place on a aluminium foil and air fry for 17 mins at 180°C. 8完成 Enjoy.
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