【啖啖高纖】咖哩南瓜蒸肉餅 Curried steam pork patty with pumpkin 2023 年 03 月 07 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 1478 請稍等. 請稍等. 南瓜係營養豐富、高纖低脂嘅食物,遇有大小朋友唔肯食菜,可以試試呢個充滿和風嘅食譜。將南瓜蓉同免治豬內蒸成肉餅,味道甜美之餘又啖啖都係纖維,夠晒健康。由於南瓜夠甜,可以蓋過咖喱嘅辣味,食落只係少少辣㗎咋! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 免治豬肉Minced pork 300克/g 小南瓜Small pumpkin ½ 個/pc 洋蔥 Onion ¼ 個/pc 生粉水 Corn starch solution 1湯匙/tbsp 調味料 咖哩粉Curry powder 1湯匙/tbsp 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 米酒Rice wing 1湯匙/tbsp 鹽 Salt 少許/Some 白胡椒White pepper powder 少許/Some 1南瓜蒸熟後挖出南瓜泥 Steam pumpkin until soft, then scoop out and mash the flesh. 2洋蔥切碎 Finely chop onion. 3免治豬肉加入調味料及洋蔥碎,攪拌均勻 Mix minced pork with seasonings and chopped onion. 4拌入南瓜泥 Mix the pork mixture with the pumpkin mash. 5上碟再放上南瓜丁 Put the patty on plate and put pumpkin dice on top. 6隔水大火蒸約15分鐘 Steam over high heat for about 15 minutes 7將碟上的肉汁倒出,煮滾勾芡淋上 Pour out the sauce on the plate. Boil and thicken with corn starch solution. Pour on the patty.
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