雜菌豆腐鍋 Mixed mushroom and bean curd hotpot 2022 年 11 月 25 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 1339 請稍等. 請稍等. 火鍋要食得健康,不妨喺湯底加多啲蔬菜,唔覺唔覺就食咗。好似呢個雜菌豆腐鍋就用咗好多菇類同豆腐,睇到都知夠健康啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 金菇 Enoki mushroom 100克/g 舞茸 Maitake mushroom 100克/g 鮮冬菇 Fresh mushroom 100克/g 鴻喜菇 Marmoreal mushroom 100克/g 杏鮑菇 Oyster mushroom 100克/g 牛肉片Beef slice 300克/g 豆腐 Bean curd 1磚/pc 大白菜 Peking cabbage ½個/pc 紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1條/pc 白蘿蔔 Radish 1條/pc 南瓜 Pumpkin ½個/pc 薑 Ginger 2片/Slices 雞湯 1公升/Liter 1菇類切好洗淨瀝乾 Rinse and cut all mushrooms. 2紅蘿蔔及南瓜切片,番茄及大白菜切塊 Slice carrot and pumpkin. Cut tomato and Peking cabbage into pieces. 3白蘿蔔切厚件 Cut radish into thick slices. 4豆腐切厚件 Cut bean curd into thick slices. 5加入雞湯煮滾 Add chicken stock and bring to a boil. 6加入薑片和全部火鍋配料 Add ginger slices and all ingredients. 7完成 Done
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