【芫荽控至愛】芫荽玉子燒 Coriander Tamagoyaki 2022 年 11 月 21 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 1625 請稍等. 請稍等. 平時食有餡料嘅玉子燒,都係鰻魚、明太子、蟹肉之類,有無諗過可以將芫荽加入玉子燒之中呢?各位芫荽控一定要試下呀! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 芫荽 Coriander 3-4棵/stalk 雞蛋 Egg 4隻/pcs 雞湯 Chicken broth 100毫升/ml 味醂 Mirin 1湯匙/tbsp 糖 sugar ½茶匙/tsp 鹽 Salt ½茶匙/tsp 1芫荽切碎 Chop coriander stalks. 2雞蛋加入雞湯、味醂、鹽及糖拂勻,再加入芫荽碎拌勻 Whisk eggs with chicken broth, mirin, sugar and salt. Then mix with chopped coriander. 3在玉子燒煎鍋掃少許油,加入少量蛋液,中小火煎至剛熟 Spread some oil in a tamagoyaki pan. Pan fry some egg liquid until just cooked. 4蛋液上再放上芫荽段 Add more coriander in the egg. 5用刮刀將蛋向自己捲起,然後推向另一邊 Roll the egg sheet up. Then push it to the other side. 6在煎鍋的空位上再加入蛋液,煎至微熟 Add more egg liquid inside the pan. Pan fry over low heat until just cooked. 7再次將蛋推向自己,重覆以上步驟1-2次即成 Roll up the egg sheet again. Repeat the steps for 2-3 times. 8盛起切件上碟 Dish up.
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