市面上嘅氣炸鍋實在太多! 尤其是部部氣炸鍋都講到自己好勁咁,但係價錢又會差好多。揀一部氣炸鍋分分鐘仲難過你揀男/女朋友。了解到大家需要,我地入手左九陽同山本氣炸鍋去炸蠔餅,比較兩部機嘅火力同設計,結果超驚人!效果差好遠!!!想知道究竟邊部氣炸鍋抵買,蠔餅點氣炸,就快啲去片!
1蠔仔快速滾水灼一灼,晾乾水或用紙巾印乾水 briefly boil the oyster, dry up with tissue paper
2蕃薯粉加水攪勻 add in water to the tapioca flour
3鴨蛋加調味料攪勻,加入木薯粉漿,再加入蠔仔,蔥攪勻 Season the duck egg, whisk and mix well, add in the tapioca flour paste, add in oyster , green onion and mix well.
4碟噴油,倒入蛋漿,AF160度13分鐘中途再拉出攪勻(因為驚粉漿沉底同唔熟) spray oil, add in the paste, air fry at 160 degree Celsius for 13 minutes
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