Airfryer氣炸鍋馬介休炸薯波Airfryer Pasteis de Bacalhau 2020 年 05 月 14 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 13 29 9620 請稍等. 請稍等. 馬介休炸薯波本來係用馬介休魚整嘅,不過用容易買到嘅鱈魚整都得㗎!同葡撻一樣馬介休炸薯波係澳門出名嘅葡國菜。做得人氣食物當然係因為佢好好食啦!事不宜遲,即刻試下自己整! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (1-2人) 1小時以上 食材 急凍鱈魚柳 Frozen Sablefish 400g 鹽 Salt 2 tsp 美國焗薯Russet Potato 1個 1pc 洋蔥 (切碎) Onion ¼ 個 ¼pc 雞蛋 Egg 2湯匙 2tbsp 麵包糠 Bread Crumbs 少量 some 番茜 Parsley 少量 some 1Peel Potato & Cut Potatoes 2將薯仔蒸熟Steam potatoes 3壓成薯蓉crush into potato mash 4鹽醃魚柳約2小時 Marinate Sablefish for 2 hours 5用水沖走鹽份,印乾魚肉 Wash away salts and dry Sablefish surface 6將魚隔水蒸10分鐘 Steam Sablefish for 10 minutes 7將魚拆肉 Remove any skin and bones on Sablefish. 8加入洋蔥碎,番茜,雞蛋 和麵包糠 Mix in minced onions, parsley, egg and bread crumbs. 9用兩枝匙將薯泥塑型至水滴造型 Shape mixture into droplets with 2 spoons 10將馬介休薯波冷藏半小時定形 Freeze the Pasteis de Bacalhau 30 minutes for shaping. 11180度炸5分鐘金黃便可 Air fry at 180°C for 5 minutes, and done.
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