【法式滋味】氣炸鍋梳乎厘 Airfryer soufflé 2023 年 04 月 12 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 3 2246 請稍等. 請稍等. 梳乎厘係來自法國嘅傳統甜品,口感輕盈,食落去無乜罪咎感。香港好多餐廳都有梳乎厘供應,不過因為要即叫即製,所以都要等一段時間至有得食,既然要等咁耐,不如自己整啦,氣炸鍋一樣整到㗎! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 蛋白 Egg white 2顆/pcs 砂糖 Sugar 40克/g 蛋黃 Egg yolk 2顆/pcs 低筋麵粉 Low gluten flour 30克/g 牛奶 Milk 125毫升/ml 牛油 Butter 20克/g 牛油 Butter 適量/Some 砂糖 Sugar 適量/Some 1在焗模內均勻搽上牛油 Rub butter on the baking mould. 2再往撒上一層砂糖,放入雪櫃備用 Sprinkle some sugar inside. Freeze the mould. 3將20克糖及蛋黃拌勻 Mix well 20g sugar and egg yolks. 4篩入低筋麵粉並拌勻至沒有顆粒 Sift in low gluten flour and mix well until no lumps. 5分次加入牛奶及拌勻 Add milk slowly and keep stirring. 6開小火煮溶牛油,加入蛋漿,不斷攪拌至成糊狀即離火放涼 Melt butter over low heat. Add the mixture and keep stirring until sticky. Remove from heat. 7將餘下的糖分次加入蛋白內,打發至濕性發泡 Whisk egg whites and add remained sugar in 2-3 times. Keep whisking until stiff tip appear. 8取⅓蛋白霜加入蛋奶糊中拌勻,再倒回蛋白霜中拌 Mix ⅓ of the egg whites into egg and milk batter, pour back and mix well with the remaining egg whites. 9將麵糊裝入唧花袋中,再唧入雪藏過的焗模,麵糊要與焗模一樣高,把表面多餘麵糊刮除 Fill into a pastry bag, fill up the mould with cake mixture, remove excess mixture on surface. 10在焗模邊沿劃一圈凹痕,將烤模敲一敲,排出多餘空氣 Scoop out mixture on margins, remove excess air by knocking. 11放入氣炸鍋中,180℃氣炸10分鐘即成完成 Air fry at 180℃ for 10 mins. Enjoy.
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