土茯苓牛大力鑽地老鼠湯 Glabrous greenbrier rhizome, beautiful millettia root and four o

2024 年 03 月 15 日發佈 列印
1 1 2085



食材 (5-6人) 1小時以上


  • 牛大力 Beautiful millettia root 1條(約1呎長)/1
  • 鑽地老鼠 Four o'clock flower root 1-2個/piece
  • 土茯苓 Glabrous greenbrier rhizome 1小個/small
  • 豬脊骨 Pork spine 450克/g
  • 炒扁豆 Fried flat white bean 40克/g
  • 赤小豆 Rice bean 40克/g
  • 蜜棗 Honey date 2粒/pieces
  • 陳皮 Dried tangerine peel 1角/1/3 pie
  • 水 Water 2.5公升/lite
  • 1

    土茯苓請湯料舖代為切片,洗淨後浸20分鐘 Have the soup ingredient shop slice the glabrous greenbrier rhizome; rinse and soak for 20 minutes.

  • 2

    鑽地老鼠去皮 Peel the four o'clock flower root.

  • 3

    洗淨後切片,浸20分鐘 Rinse and slice; soak for 20 minutes.

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    牛大力去皮 Peel the beautiful millettia root.

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    切成兩至三段後再破開,浸20分鐘 Cut into two to three segments and split them vertically; soak for 20 minutes.

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    炒扁豆及赤小豆洗淨, 浸20分鐘 Wash the fried flat white beans and rice beans; soak for 20 minutes.

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    蜜棗洗淨,浸20分鐘 Clean the honey dates; soak for 20 minutes.

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    陳皮浸軟,去囊 Soften the dried tangerine peel and remove the pith.

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    豬脊骨洗淨 Clean the pork spine.

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    汆水後再洗淨 Blanch the pork spine in cold water; bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, then rinse again.

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    所有材料放入煲內,加水煲至滾起,滾10分鐘 Place all ingredients in a pot, add water and bring to a boil; boil for 10 minutes.

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    加蓋轉中火煲1.5小時 Cover and simmer on medium heat for 1.5 hours.

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    撈起豬脊骨,再煲1.5小時 Remove the pork spine; continue simmering for another 1.5 hours.

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    酌量加鹽調味 Season with salt as needed.
