【生酮甜品】生酮巴斯克咖啡芝士蛋糕 Keto Basque Coffee Cheesecake 2023 年 03 月 31 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 3 1919 請稍等. 請稍等. 這個生酮巴斯克咖啡芝士蛋糕,與傳統的巴斯克蛋糕一樣,而且都是不會失敗的甜品,口感亦十分接近傳統巴斯克蛋糕,而且更是生酮、低碳水化合物、低糖的健康甜點,是一款非常美味的甜點選擇。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 250克/g 雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs 羅漢果糖 Monk fruit sweetener 85克/g 濃咖啡 Strong coffee 50毫升/ml 淡忌廉 Whipping cream 125毫升/ml 杏仁粉 Almond flour 18克/g 1用熱水沖泡咖啡 Brew the coffee with hot water. 2與淡忌廉拌勻備用 Mix well with whipping cream. Set aside. 3忌廉芝士室溫放軟,用打蛋器打發 Soften the cream cheese at room temperature and beat with an electric mixer. 4分兩次加入羅漢果糖,打至軟滑 Gradually add in monk fruit sweetener and beat until soft and smooth. 5再分兩次加入雞蛋,打至軟滑 Add in eggs, one at a time, and beat until well combined. 6拌入咖啡淡忌廉 Mix in the coffee and whipping cream mixture. 7加入杏仁粉拌勻 Add in almond flour and mix well. 8在6吋的焗模內舖上牛油紙備用 Line a 6-inch baking tin with parchment paper. 9注入焗模內 Pour the mixture into the baking tin. 10放入已預熱至210度的焗爐內,焗30-35分鐘 Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C for 30-35 minutes. 11放涼後脫模,再冷藏4小時即成 Allow the cheesecake to cool before removing from the tin. Chill in the refrigerator for 4 hours before serving.
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