1先把五花腩去毛清洗一下後,用薑、蔥和紹興酒汆水五分鐘,用冷水沖去肉上剩下的雜質,冰鎮備用。Clean and remove hair from pork belly skin. Add water, ginger, scallion and shaoxing wine to blanch the pork for 5 minutes. After blanching, clean the pork under running water then cool it in ice water.
2冰鎮後把五花腩切成喜歡的大小和厚度。After 5 minutes, take out the pork belly and cut into small pieces.
3下半湯匙油落鑊,把五花腩炒至金黃色,加入冰糖繼續炒至上色。Put half a tablespoon of oil in the pan and brown the pork belly. Add rock sugar and continuing stirring to caramelise the pork.
4加入葱花、薑蓉、蒜蓉和乾蔥拌炒。Add scallions, ginger, garlic and shallots.
5加入紹興酒、生抽、老抽、蠔油拌炒釋出香氣,加水至蓋過豬肉。Add shaoxing wine, light sauce, dark soy sauce and oyster sauce, stir until fragrant. Add water to barely cover the pork.
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