【大牌檔滋味】粟米魚塊 Fish Fillet in Sweet Corn Sauce 2023 年 02 月 17 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 4 2694 請稍等. 請稍等. 去大牌檔食飯,粟米魚塊係必叫嘅,啖啖肉之餘又可以撈汁送飯,唔止小朋友鍾意,連大人都一樣咁Like。自己煮,梗係食好啲,一於用石斑啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內 食材 石斑塊Grouper fillet 600克/g 雞蛋Egg 2隻/pcs 粟粉 Corn starch 適量/To use 粟米蓉Sweet corn cream style 1盒/box 雞粉Chicken powder ¼茶匙/tsp 水Water 100毫升/ml 醃料 雞粉Chicken powder 1茶匙/tsp 粟粉 Corn starch 2茶匙/tsp 胡椒粉Pepper powder ½ 茶匙/tsp 1石斑塊洗乾淨,切件印乾 Rinse grouper fillet, cut into pieces and pat dry. 2用醃料醃15分鐘 Marinate for 15 minutes. 31隻雞蛋打勻,將醃好的斑塊浸入蛋漿中,然後沾上粟粉 Beat 1 egg. Soak grouper pieces in egg liquid then coat with corn starch. 4中火燒熱油鑊。把魚塊煎成兩面金黃色,盛起備用 Heat oil over medium heat. Pan fry grouper pieces until done and golden brown. Dish up. 5在鍋中倒入忌廉粟米蓉及水煮滾後, 加入雞粉拌勻 Bring water and sweet corn cream style in a boil. Stir well with chicken powder. 6轉小火,將另1隻蛋打勻加入,輕力拌成蛋花 Turn to low heat. Add in the other beaten egg and stir gently. 7將粟米汁淋在石斑塊上,完成 Pour the sauce on the grouper pieces. Done.
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