【勁多汁】爆汁牛肉煎餅 Juicy Beef Pie
1先將熱水與麵粉拌勻,再加鹽及室溫水,搓至均勻 Mix well hot water and flour first. Then knead well with salt and water.
4最後下麻油拌勻,然後放入雪櫃雪至起膠 Stir in sesame oil. Put inside a fridge until the filling is sticky.
5將麵團分成6份,搓圓後再靜置15分鐘,餡料亦分成6份 Divide the dough into 6 parts. Knead those small doughs into ball shape then sit for 15 minutes. Divide the filling into 6 parts.
討論 暫時沒有留言。