【家常食譜】薑葱爆雞翼 Sautéed Chicken Wings with Ginger and Onion 2022 年 09 月 07 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 12 4471 請稍等. 請稍等. 雞翼幾乎係屋企必備嘅食材,薑、葱、蒜、葱頭呢啲又係屋企必備嘅材料,仲有豉油、蠔油呢啲必備嘅調味料,呢啲隨手可得材料,配搭出嚟會係乜嘢味道?咪就係令你食完想再添飯嘅家常口味,去到大酒樓、中菜廳都搵唔到嘅屋企Feel! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (1-2人) 1小時內 食材 雞翼 即買 Chicken Wings 8-10隻 8-10 薑 Ginger 3片 3 slice 蒜頭 Garlic 3瓣 3 clove 葱頭 Onion 3粒 3 pcs 沙薑 Sand Ginger 4-5片 4-5sl 葱絲 Shredded Onion 適量 Some 醃料 Marinade 生抽 Soy Sauce 1湯匙 1tbsp 酒 Wine 1湯匙 1tbsp 糖 Sugar 1茶匙 1tsp 鹽 Salt 1茶匙 1tsp 胡椒粉 Pepper Powder 少許 Some 麻油 Sesame Oil 1茶匙 1tsp 調味料 Seasoning 紹興酒 Shaoxing Wine 2湯匙 2 tbsp 老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 2茶匙 2tsp 蠔油 Oyster Sauce 1湯匙 1tbsp 1雞翼 即買 洗淨抹乾,下醃料醃30分鐘 Wash and dry chicken wings, marinate for 30 minutes 2燒熱2湯匙油 Heat 2 tbsp oil 3爆香薑片、蒜頭、葱頭及沙薑片 Sautee ginger slices, garlic, onion and sand ginger slices until fragrant. 4盛起留油 Pick up and leave oil. 5原鑊中火每面煎2分鐘至雞翼 即買 金黃 Pan fry chickens wings over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown. 6將料頭回鑊,兜勻 Return all sauteed material into the wok and mix. 7灒紹興酒 Pour Shaoxing wine. 8拌勻加蓋焗2分鐘 Mix well, cover and heat for 2 minutes. 9下老抽及蠔油,拌勻 Add dark soy sauce and oyster sauce, mix well. 10下葱絲兜勻即成 Stir with sectioned spring onion and done.
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