山藥栗子排骨湯Common Yam, Chestnut and Pork Ribs Soup
1山藥去皮、切件;紅蘿蔔去皮、切件。 Peel common yam and cut into pieces. Peel carrot and cut into pieces.
2栗子加入至滾水,煮1分鐘,再用毛巾去皮。 Put chestnut into boiling water and cook in 1 min, then peel chestnut with towel.
4將所有材料加入至滾水,蓋上蓋,轉小火煲2小時,加入適量鹽。 Put all ingredients into boiling water, cover the lid, cook 2 hours with low heat, finally put in some salt.
討論 暫時沒有留言。