沙薑炒花螺Stir fried Babylon Shell with Sand Ginger
1花螺浸鹽水20分鐘。 Soak babylon shell with salt water for 20 mins.
2沙薑切粒再攪碎;辣椒切粒。 Dice sand ginger then mince. Dice hot pepper.
3燒熱米糠油,炒香沙薑、辣椒。 Heat the rice bran oil, stir fry sand ginger and hot pepper.
4加入花螺,炒至均勻。 Put in babylon shell and stir fry until mix well.
5加入紹興酒,蓋上蓋,煮5分鐘。 Put in Shao xing wine, cover the lid and cook 5 mins.
討論 暫時沒有留言。