羅漢果菜乾青紅蘿蔔湯Luohanfrui, Dried Chinese White Cabbage and Carrot Soup 2022 年 03 月 14 日發佈 Janet家常小菜食譜 列印 0 0 2310 請稍等. 請稍等. 家常湯水羅漢果菜乾青紅蘿蔔湯食譜及做法 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 羅漢果Luohanfrui 1個1pc 菜乾Dried chinese white cabbage 3棵3pcs 紅蘿蔔Carrot 1個1pc 青蘿蔔Green carrot 1個1pc 粟米Corn 1條1pc 南北杏Apricot kernel 10克10g 1菜乾汆水;南北杏浸水;羅漢果對切。 Soak dried chinese white cabbage and apricot kernel, cut luohanfrui into two pieces. 2紅蘿蔔與青蘿蔔去皮及切件;粟米切件。 Peel carrot and green carrot, cut into chunk, cut corn into pieces. 3將所有材料加入去滾水。 Put all ingredients into boiling water. 4蓋上蓋轉小火煲2小時。 Cover the lid cook 2 hours with low heat.
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