【簡易食譜】法式布甸包 Crème brûlée in bread
最近掀起搶購「法式布甸包」熱潮,每日都有一大排長龍等住買法式布甸包! 依家唔洗再排長龍!自己屋企都整到 外脆內軟,中間還有滑溜布甸,賣相打卡一流!大人小朋友都愛~
1麵包切去頂,挖去一半白色麵包部份,其餘用湯匙壓實 Cut the top of the bread. Remove half the white part of each bread. Press the rest firmly with a spoon.
2麵包用錫紙包好,頂部開洞,備用 Wrap the bread with aluminium foil and open a hole on top. Set aside.
3淡忌廉、牛奶及鹽拌勻,用細火煮至微滾起泡 Mix well whipping cream, milk and salt. Heat in low heat until bubbles begin to appear.
4蛋黃、呍呢拿香油及糖拌勻及打發至微微企身 Beat egg yolks, vanilla extract and sugar until a little firm.
5將煮熱的牛奶忌廉,逐少加入蛋黃內並拌勻 Add hot milk mixture into the egg mixture gradually and stir well.
6將蛋漿過篩,再注入麵包內至8成滿 Sift the mixture then pour into the bread until 80% full.
7放入已預熱的焗爐,以170度焗40分鐘 Preheat an oven at 170 ℃ and bake for 40 minutes.
討論 暫時沒有留言。