1蟲草花、生曬淮山、無花果及杞子浸洗備用。Wash and soak cordyceps flower, dry Chinese yam, figs, and goji berries.
2無花果剪開一半。Cut figs into half
3紅蘿蔔去皮切件。Peel and chop carrots
4豬肉切件。肉汆水備用。Boil Meat and set aside
5鍋內注入水,加入所有材料,湯滾起後,大火滾15分鐘,然後轉細火煲2小時,加少許鹽調味,完成。Add water to pot, throw in all ingredients, boil at high heat for 15 mins, turn into low heat anf stew for 2 hours, season with salt, done.
討論 暫時沒有留言。