沙參 食譜、做法 - 共24篇
補肺益氣|沙參海玉竹北芪鹹豬骨湯 Coastal glehnia root, polygonatum root, astragalus and salted p 影片
沙參 Coastal glehnia root、海玉竹 Polygonatum roo...
[4K影片] 粟米紅棗沙參玉竹湯 Corn, Red Dates, Aden Ginseng and Yuzhu Soup 影片
健脾和胃、益氣養陰 請按以下連結訂閱以表支持, thanks.🙇🏻🙇🏻♀️ You...
北沙參 Coastal Glehnia Root、玉竹 Fragrant Solomons...
玉竹沙參蘋果湯 Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome, Coastal Glehnia Root and Apple Soup
玉竹Fragrant solomonseal rhizome、沙參Coastal gleh...