【健脾祛濕】粉葛牛蒡赤小豆扁豆湯 Kudzu, Greater Burdock, Rice Bean and White Hyacinth Bean Soup

2023 年 02 月 17 日發佈 列印
2 5 3846


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 粉葛 Kudzu 1斤/Catty
  • 牛蒡 Greater burdock ½條/pc
  • 赤小豆 Rice bean 15克/g
  • 扁豆 White hyacinth bean 15克/g
  • 去殼栗子 Peeled chestnuts ½磅/Lb
  • 粟米 Sweet corn 1條/pc
  • 紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1條/pc
  • 蜜棗 Candied date 2粒/pcs
  • 陳皮 Tangerine peel 1角/ ⅓pc
  • 1

    牛蒂用錫紙搓成球省去表皮,毋須省得太乾淨 Remove the outer part of the greater burdock with a ball of aluminum foil.

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    斜切片 Slice.

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    粉葛去皮切件 Peel kudzu then cut into pieces.

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    赤小豆及扁豆洗淨浸水30分鐘 Rinse rice bean and white hyacinth bean then soak in water for 30 minutes.

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    紅蘿蔔及粟米切段 Cut carrot and sweet corn into sections.

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    陳皮浸軟去囊 Soak tangerine peel in water until tender and remove the pith.

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    煲滾2.5公升水,下所有材料 Bring 2.5L water to a boil. Add all ingredients.

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    滾起後轉慢火煲2小時,酌量加鹽調味即成 After boiled, turn to low heat and boil for 2 hours. Season with salt.
