【香脆軟糯】香脆煎湯圓 Pan fry sticky rice dumpling 2023 年 01 月 18 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 1 3457 請稍等. 請稍等. 一家團聚嘅好日子,當然要食湯圓應節。不過成日都係食放薑湯或糖水食,有無得搞搞新意思?有,今次一於試下煎湯圓,做法比傳統湯圓更加簡單,食落仲係香脆加軟糯,好好玩呀。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (5-6人) 15分鐘內 食材 急凍湯圓 Frozen sticky rice dumpling 24-30粒 油 Oil 2湯匙/tbsp 水 Water 2湯匙/tbsp 桂花 Sweet Osmanthus 適量/Some 1湯圓毋須解凍,直接加入白鑊之中 Add frozen sticky rice dumpling in a pan. 2下2湯匙油,搖勻至湯圓沾滿油,中火慢煎至金黃 Add in 2 tbsp oil and shake to make all dumplings coated with oil. Pan fry over medium heat until golden brown. 3下適量水至湯圓的一半,加蓋再煮2-3分鐘 Add in water. Cover and cook 2-3 minutes more. 4湯丸會結連成塊狀,將整塊湯丸翻轉再煎數分鐘至金黃 Dumplings will stick together. Flip the dumplings and pan fry several minutes until golden brown. 5上碟後灑上桂花即成 Dish up and sprinkle sweet osmanthus. Done.
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