【和風美食】蒲燒鰻魚 Grilled Eel in Japanese Style 2022 年 09 月 19 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 0 1019 請稍等. 請稍等. 好多人都鍾意食日式嘅燒鰻魚,其實除咗出街食同買外賣,自己喺屋企都整到,因為市面上有急凍嘅鰻魚發售,已經劏好洗淨,解凍之後,配合即食嘅鰻魚醬汁就可以自家炮製充滿日式風情嘅蒲燒鰻魚啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (1-2人) 15分鐘內 食材 急凍鰻魚 Frozen eel 1包 1 pack 鰻魚汁 Eel sauce 適量 Some 1鰻魚取出,印乾 Take out the eel meat and pat dry. 2用竹或金屬簽穿過鰻魚身,以防熟後捲曲 Use bamboo or metal skewer to pass through the eel's body to prevent them from curling up after cooked. 3兩面塗上一層鰻魚汁,中細火慢煎 Coat the eel with a layer of eel sauce on both two sides. Pan-fry in medium low heat. 4每面各煎約1分鐘即反轉,並塗上鰻魚汁 Pan-fry each side of the eel for about 1 minute, then flip and coat with eel sauce 5每面各煎3-4次,共煎約7-8分鐘即成 Pan-fry each side of the eel 3-4 times for a total of about 7-8 minutes
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