【家常食譜】涼拌素雞絲 Vegan Chicken (Oyster mushroom) Salad
1杏鮑菇撕成粗條 Shred oyster mushrooms into thick strips.
2彩椒切粗絲 Cut sweet mini pepper into strips.
3芫荽切段 Section coriander.
4杏鮑菇絲及彩椒絲用熱水灼30秒 Blanch mushroom and pepper strips for 30 seconds.
5放冰水降溫,榨乾水 Cool down in an ice bath. Squeeze dry.
6加入蒜蓉、辣椒粉、鹽、生抽、陳醋及芫荽 Add minced garlic, chili powder, salt, soy sauce, mature vinegar and coriander.
7淋上熱油,拌勻 Splash hot oil and mix well.
8撒上白芝麻 Sprinkle white sesame.
9澆一圈麻油,完成 Add sesame oil. Done.
討論 暫時沒有留言。