日式燉煮薯仔芋絲Japanese Style braised Potato and Konjac Noodles 2022 年 03 月 11 日發佈 Janet家常小菜食譜 列印 0 9 2938 請稍等. 請稍等. 家常小菜日式燉煮薯仔芋絲食譜做法 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 薯仔Potato 1個1pc 芋絲Konjac noodles 1盒1 box 甘筍Carrot 1條 1pc 昆布鰹魚湯Dashi 350毫升350ml 日本醬油Japanese style soy sauce 3湯匙3 table 味醂Mirin 3湯匙3 table 清酒Sake 3湯匙3 table 冰糖Rock sugar 30克30g 1薯仔去皮,切件,浸水;甘筍去皮,切件。 Peel potato and cut into pieces, then soak potato. Peel carrot and cut into pieces. 2將昆布鰹魚湯煲滾,加入日本醬油、味醂、清酒、冰糖。 Cook dashi until boiling, put in Japanese style soy sauce, mirin, sake and rock sugar. 3加入薯仔、甘筍、少許水於鰹魚湯內,蓋上蓋,轉小火煮20分鐘。 Put in potato, carrot and a little water into dashi, cover the lid, cook 20 mins with low heat. 4加入芋絲,煮5分鐘。 Put in konjac noodles and cook 5 mins.
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