冷糕 chao-zhou style pancake
1將中筋粉、梳打粉、速發乾酵母、砂糖、雞蛋、暖水倒入大盆中拌勻 Mix up flout, baking soda, yeast, sugar, egg and water.
2用保鮮紙包好大盆,放置30分鐘或以上 Wrap the mixture with plastic wrap, rest for 30mins at least
3用白鑊烘乾白芝麻至微金黃 Heat up wite sesame in a pan till golden yellow
4白芝麻烘乾後與內餡的花生碎、砂糖、椰絲拌勻備用 Mix white sesame with diced peanuts, sugar, and coconut flakes.
5細火熱平底鑊,搽少少油,倒入發酵完成的麵糊,蓋上鑊蓋直至看見麵糊有接近一半泡泡 Pan fry the flour paste at low heat, cover the pan and cook till bubbles appear over the pancake
6打開蓋,塗少許牛油於麵糊上,灑上內餡,蓋煮煎多2至3分鐘 Remove the lid, add butter on the pancake, then the fillings, cover again and cook for 2-3 mins
7開蓋將餡餅對接壓平即可Fold pacake into half, done!
討論 暫時沒有留言。