【傳統美食】冷糕 Chao Zhou style pancake 2023 年 02 月 06 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 1 2202 請稍等. 請稍等. 冷糕係傳統小食,起源於潮州及福建一帶,隨住移民帶到港澳、台灣同大馬,仲發展出唔同嘅口味。冷糕以前喺香港都好流行,但係而家已經買少見少。其實冷糕嘅做法都好簡單,不如一齊試下自己整啦! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 中筋麵粉 All purpose flour 130克/g 梳打粉 Baking Soda ½茶匙/tsp 速發乾酵母 Instant Dry Yeast ½茶匙/tsp 砂糖 Sugar 2湯匙/tbsp 雞蛋 Egg 1隻/pc 暖水 Warm water 160克/g 餡料 花生 Peanut 適量/Some 砂糖 Sugar 適量/Some 椰絲 Shredded coconut 適量/Some 白芝麻 White sesame 適量/Some 牛油 Butter 適量/Some 1將中筋麵粉、梳打粉、速發乾酵母、砂糖、雞蛋、暖水倒入大盆中拌勻 Mix well flour, baking soda, yeast, sugar, egg and water. 2用保鮮紙包好大盆,放置30分鐘或以上 Wrap the mixture with plastic wrap, rest for 30mins at least. 3敲碎花生 Smash peanuts. 4用白鑊烘乾白芝麻至微金黃 Heat up white sesame without oil in a pan until golden yellow. 5白芝麻烘乾後與餡料的花生碎、砂糖、椰絲拌勻備用 Mix white sesame with crushed peanuts, sugar, and shredded coconut. 6細火燒熱平底鑊,搽少少油,倒入發酵完成的麵糊 Pan fry the batter over low heat. 7蓋上鑊蓋直至看見麵糊有接近一半泡泡 Cover the pan and cook till bubbles appear over the pancake. 8打開蓋,塗上少許牛油 Remove the lid, add butter on the pancake. 9灑上餡料,蓋煮煎多2至3分鐘 Add fillings, cover again and cook for 2-3 mins. 10開蓋將餡餅對接壓平即可 Fold pancake into half, done.
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