1蒜頭和金華火腿切碎。椰菜花切朵。滾水加鹽糖,福花汆水2分鐘。Shred Jinhua ham. Cut cauliflower in small pieces. Put salt and sugar in boiling water. Blanch cauliflower for 2 minutes.
2燒熱油,爆蒜頭和火腿拌炒,加入椰菜花拌炒。加入清湯和牛奶煮滾,加鹽 糖調味,蓋上煮2分鐘。粟粉水收汁。
Heat the oil, pan fry garlic and ham. Stir fry. Put in cauliflower. Put in chicken broth and milk to boil. Season with salt and sugar, Cover the lid and cook for 2 minutes. Thicken the sauce with cornst
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