意日Fusion|明太子意粉Mentaiko (spicy cod roe) spaghetti

2023 年 08 月 03 日發佈 列印
0 1 1285


食材 (1-2人) 30分鐘內


  • 意大利粉 Spaghetti 100克/g
  • 明太子 Mentaiko (spicy cod roe) 40克/g
  • 沙律醬 Mayonnaise 20克/g
  • 壽司紫菜 Sushi roll seaweed ½塊/Sheet
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    明太子與沙律醬拌勻備用 Mix mentaiko and mayonnaise together until well combined. Set aside.

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    壽司紫菜煎成幼絲 Cut sushi roll seaweed it into thin strips.

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    白鑊炒至乾身香脆備用 Toast the sushi roll seaweed in a dry pan until crispy.

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    意大利粉按指示煮熟 Cook spaghetti according to the instructions on the package.

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    撈起後立即與明太子沙律醬拌勻 Immediately after cooking, toss the spaghetti with the mentaiko and mayonnaise mixture until well coated.

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    上碟後撒上紫菜絲即成 Transfer the spaghetti to a serving plate and sprinkle the crispy seaweed strips on top. Serve immediately.
