【小心燙口】爆漿紅薯芝士年糕 Cheese lava red sweet potato rice cake 2023 年 04 月 19 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 2 820 請稍等. 請稍等. 這個爆漿紅薯芝士年糕的材料常見,簡單的步驟就可以做出外表呈現金黃色,口感Q彈有嚼勁,還帶有番薯香和濃郁芝士味的美食,它可以當作甜點或下午茶點心,也可以當作甜品或下午茶,但謹記熱食要小心燙口! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 糯米粉 Glutinous rice flour 220克/g 砂糖 Sugar 45克/g 牛奶 Milk 240克/g 油 Oil 35克/g 雞蛋 Egg 1隻/pc 紅肉番薯 Red sweet potato 200克/g 芝士 Cheese 3片/slices 16吋焗模預先舖上烘焙紙備用 Prepare a 6-inch baking mold with parchment paper. 2番薯切件蒸熟後壓成泥狀 Steam sweet potato until it is cooked then mash it. 3糯米粉、砂糖、牛奶,油及雞蛋攪拌至無顆粒 Mix glutinous rice flour, sugar, milk, oil, and egg until there are no lumps. 4Pour half of the batter into the baking mold. 將一半粉漿倒入焗模內 5放上番薯泥 Spread the sweet potato puree on top. 6舖上三片芝士 Place three slices of cheese on top of the sweet potato. 7倒入餘下的粉漿 Pour the remaining batter on top. 8放入已預熱至180度的焗爐焗40分鐘 Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40 minutes. 9完成 The dish is ready.
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