【快餐美食】牛油蒜蓉雞翼 Garlic Butter Chicken Wings 2023 年 03 月 07 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 3 1728 請稍等. 請稍等. 年輕時成日去嘅港式東南亞快餐店,除咗白咖喱豬扒飯之外,牛油蒜蓉雞翼都係必點之選,既有牛油香,亦都有脆卜卜嘅表皮,食落去仲好多汁,真係諗返起都想食。不過今次我決定自己整,原來都好容易啫! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時內 食材 雞翼 即買 Chicken wing 10隻/pcs 牛油 Butter 50/g克 蒜蓉 Minced garlic 3湯匙/tbsp 醃料 魚露 Fish sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 蠔油 Oyster sauce 1湯匙/tbsp 紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 1湯匙/tbsp 蒜蓉粉 Garlic powder 1湯匙/tbsp 糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp 乾葱蓉 Minced shallot 1湯匙/tbsp 粟粉 Corn starch 2湯匙/tbsp 1雞翼 即買 洗淨抺乾,下醃料醃30分鐘 Rinse and pat dry chicken wings. Marinate for 30 minutes. 2雞翼 即買 中火煎至兩面金黃 Pan fry both sides of chicken wings until golden browm. 3再用焗爐以200度焗5分鐘熟透 Roast the chicken wings in oven at 200 °C for 5 minutes. 4細火煮溶牛油,下蒜蓉煮至金黃 Melt butter over low heat. Add in minced garlice and cook until golden brown. 5下雞翼 即買 兜勻 Stir well with the chicken wings. 6完成 Done.
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