【酸辣惹味】泰式酸辣雞翼尖 Chicken wing tips in Thai style sour and chili sauce

2023 年 02 月 17 日發佈 列印
2 0 1340


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 雞翼 即買 尖 Chicken wing tips 500克/g
  • 紫洋葱 Red onion ½ 個/pc
  • 芫荽 Coriander 4棵/stalks
  • 車厘茄 Cherry tomato 10粒/pcs
  • 薑 Ginger 3片/slices
  • 紹興酒 Shao Xing wing 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 泰式酸辣醬汁 Thai style sour and chili sauce 400毫升/ml
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    雞翼 即買 尖與薑片及酒,同放熱水內汆水10分鐘 Blanch chicken wing tips with ginger slices and wine for 10 minutes.

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    撈起雞翼 即買 尖,洗淨再泡冰水10分鐘後瀝乾 Rinse chicken wing tips. Soak in ice water for 10 minutes then drain dry.

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    紫洋葱切絲,芫荽切段,車厘茄切半 Cut red onion into strips. Section coriander. Halve cherry tomatoes.

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    將紫洋葱絲、芫荽段及車厘茄與泰式酸辣醬汁拌勻 Mix with Thai style sour and chili sauce.

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    雞翼 即買 尖放入醬汁內,放雪櫃入泡浸1晚即成 Add chicken wing tips into the sauce and soak overnight.
