【甜品食譜】蓮子百合栗子露 Louts seeds and lily bulb in chestnut puree #中式糖水 #矝貴 #全素
2在水喉下沖洗約2分鐘後去殼去衣 Remove the hard shell and membrane of chestnuts.
4鮮百合掰開備用 Shred fresh lily bulb into pieces.
5將栗子放水中,煲滾後中火繼煮5分鐘 Add chestnuts into water. Bring to a boil then cook for 5 more minutes.
7加入豆漿及白蓮子再煮5分鐘 Add soya milk and lotus seeds and cook for 5 minutes.
討論 暫時沒有留言。