【保健湯水】桂圓紅棗寧心湯 Dried Longan Pulp and Red Date Soup

2022 年 09 月 20 日發佈 列印
0 1 1806


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 桂圓 Dried longan pulp 20克/g
  • 紅棗 Red date 8-10粒/pcs
  • 開邊蓮子 dried lotus seed 15g/pcs
  • 合歡花 pink siris 10克/g
  • 百合乾 dried lily pulp 15克/g
  • 小麥 wheat 20克/g
  • 瘦肉 Lean pork 200克/g
  • 陳皮 dry tangerine peel 1角/⅓pc
  • 薑 ginger 1片/Slice
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    瘦肉汆水,洗淨備用 Blanch lean pork then rinse and drain.

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    陳皮浸軟刮囊 Soak dry tangerine peel until tender and remove the pith.

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    紅棗去核備用 Remove the seed of red dates.

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    所有藥材洗淨,瀝乾備用 Rinse all other ingredients in water for 15 minutes. Drain dry.

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    煲滾約2公升水,下所有材料 Bring 2 liter water to a boil. Add all ingredients.

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    滾起後轉小火煲120分鐘,加鹽調味即成 Turn to low heat after boiling. Boil for 120 minutes. Seasons with salt. Enjoy.
